
I'm Hannah and I am a Visual Designer and Art Director from New Jersey. I create intricate designs and illustrations that bring beauty to everyday life. I have a deep passion for making compelling work that connects people to their emotions and the world around them. I am an optimist at heart and I approach my love for design with the desire to do good.

I am currently searching for new design and art direction opportunities. Most recently, I was a Jr. Art Director at EP+Co. As a member of the Creative and Brand Design teams, I worked on numerous productions, including the agency's largest to date. I had the opportunity to oversee content production alongside tenured Creative Directors and Producers and assist on sets as a stylist. What I love about the work I do is getting to bring new ideas to life from concept to creation.

On the other end of my 9-5, I am a commissioned artist. Take a look at my own personal white wall gallery here.

Here are some things about me:

If I could do arts and crafts for the rest of my life I would.
I’m incapable of traveling lightly.
I think I could absolutely demolish a Survivor puzzle given the opportunity.
My favorite form of self-care is coloring.
I strive to be a light in the lives of all my family and friends.

Click here to grab my resume.

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Check out this article from RIT News about me and my mom’s effort to spread positivity, hope, and color during the pandemic.

© 2024 hannah grace sarakin

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